31 May, 2009
30 May, 2009
All Hope is Gone
29 May, 2009
That's Seriously Not Cool
28 May, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
My feathers are being a tad ruffled the wrong way though; I found 15 missing albums on my iPod... A WHOLE 15!
- 4 Green Day albums
- 2 Avenged Sevenfold albums
- 1 Good Charlotte album
- 2 Avril Lavigne albums
- 1 My Chemical Romance album
- 3 Blink-182 albums
- 1 AFI album
- 1 Panic! At The Disco album
As you can guess, I was not happy. I'm glad it wasn't bands like Cobra Starship, Hey Monday and The Academy Is... though. So all is going to be cool! I just finished putting the last one back onto iTunes.
I have an event tonight... I guess that's my way of saying I have to go upstairs and bath, as opposed to sit on my arse in my dressing gown any longer! I have to wait until Friday to see my Greg Pritchard on Britain's Got Talent... Not Fair! YouTube him if you get the chance!
Oh, and the answer: £60
Kindest Regards,
An Amused,
Stripes xy
23 May, 2009
Long Time No Speak!
I've been looking after my mother... My computer had one of those Trojan viruses that saves itself in 12 different places and it was called WinPC Advisor (or something)... Dad's been on World of Warcraft non-stop so I haven't been able to even come onto the computer!
Anyway... I've had an operation. I had it yesterday and sue to where it was, I can't wash my hair for SIX DAYS. I wash my hair everyday. I'm not a hygiene freak (far from it). I'm not all girly and I don't wash my hair with a billion different products (just one that's not tested on animals). My hair is horribly greasy, I hate it, it's making me miserable. I'm washing it on Thursday fer sure though! I need to go to this Drama thing, and I'm going to be presentable for that at least!
Changing the subject: Britain's Got Talent is on tonight! They're going to be sorting out which 40 will be in the semi-finals. We see some more auditions tonight, so my next blog will probably be my favourite acts. I'm doing this for people who don't watch the show (but mainly if Manny gets bored!).
17 May, 2009
Miss You Mother
15 May, 2009
My Pepper Pot Family
14 May, 2009
Well, It's Different...

10 May, 2009
Sorry Mr Assumptions

Yes, I'm like a typical, predictable woman and therefore have a HUGE crush on Mr Spunk Monkey, AKA James T Kirk, AKA Chris Pine. Yes, I do think Spock is a socially awkward emo nerd and I love him dearly for it.
Believe it or not, but I'm only human! I seriously thought that Star Trek was for amazingly pathetic, sad people, who actually go around calling themselves 'Trekkies' and basically making themselves out to be idiots. I never even considered the possibility that some of the Star Trek fans were normal(ish). Those 'trekkie' people are making everyone else look bad! Seriously... Get a life! You're making every Star Trek fan look bad, and every person of sound mind to look great, including the ones that pee on trees.
Kindest Regards,
I'm Still Hip,
Stripes xy
PostScript: Bernard has sprouted a sister... there is no point of posting a picture as she's camera shy and also, she's so tiny, that the quality of the photos on here probably wouldn't pick her up. I have named her Sylvia, and she is beautiful.
03 May, 2009
Bernard's my Baby
This is amazingly cute... Ages ago, or maybe even a fortnight ago, I ate a green pepper since green is my favourite colour pepper and then I came to all the little tiny seeds in the middle that just look plain weird. So I ran outside and asked Mother and Dad what would happen if you planted them.
Mother: They'll Grow.
Dad: The lies mothers tell their children to keep them happy...
02 May, 2009
XY vs. XX
Let's talk in splendid terms, in which we aim to make mankind sound a lot more dandy that it actually is... A lady has XX chromosomes, whilst a gentleman has XY chromosomes... This means that technically, only a gentleman can decide the sex of a child since ladies can only produce the XX chromosome. Yet why is XX so different to XY?
Below is a demonstration of this said pointless lie. The scenario being used as an example, is both XX and XY being asked about Brokeback Mountain. See how the answers vary from the other.XX: this means you have a vajayjay and you spill your emotions out all over the place for any reason at all.
XY: this means you have a shlong, you're cooler than those possessing the XX chromosome and you make up pointless lies.
XX: The ending is just so depressing! I can't believe it... I was so sad, I just wanted them to end up together, happy at least...
XY: Yeah, I watched that film. It was shit. I didn't get it.
You can't say that film was shit, because it quite simply wasn't. The acting was amazing, it was believable (even if Heath's accent did wander from time to time) and the story was heartbreaking... However, there is one guy who proves my second point to the extreme...
Alex Kapranos
( the singer and eldest member of Franz Ferdinand )
I thought he came across a lot older than he actually is. I thought he was in his extremely late twenties. I thought he was an Art or Music Grad. I still think he's amazing. He is basically the epitome of cool in my eyes. I love his style, his voice, his ability to make the most innocent of lyrics sound dark and sinister. Yet what do I find out? He's born on 20th March 1972 (making him Age 37). He studies theology, then dropped it to study Catering and Hotel Management. Dude, could I be any more wrong in my assumptions?!
So below, I have stuck two videos... The first one is of one of their latest music videos, Ulysses, and I seriously love it. The second video is of their probably most well known song, Take Me Out. Just note on how awesome Alex is... He has an awesome voice and awesome presence...
- Ulysses (2009)
- Take Me Out (2004)