Welcome to my World

I'm a lover of music and I'm a lover of words. I may come across as sarcastic, cynical and pathetic; it's okay if you think that, because that's how I roll. I've been alive since the 17th of November 1993; I've been a Vegetarian since the 19th of May 2008. Stephen Fry, in my young eyes, is God. (You can find an old monologue of his somewhere on the right-hand side of this page.)

Sit back, relax, take a leap right out of your world. It'll only take a minute of your time. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

28 June, 2009

There's a Cat There...

Okay, so I was going through all my MySpace comments with the word cat in the highlighter tool. Manny told me this awesome poem before about an ickle cat, but I forgot the name of it. Anyway, whilst going through all ten pages of comments (I have 456 comments), some words came up that had the word cat in, and I found it amusing. Here's the list:

  • werecat (+ cat, cats)
  • education (+ educational)
  • qualification
  • caricaturist
  • catharsis
  • catch (+ catcher, catching)
  • complicated
  • certificate
  • vacation
  • catholic
  • catalan

I think that my favourite has to be Catholic, although complicated is pretty dandy too. Most of the comments containing these words were old comments from Manny (before he knew of my cat 'thing'). Then again, Batpawn is one letter away from Catpawn which makes you think of Cat Porn! (laughs) Anyway, if anyone who reads this could please recommend any poems, paintings, pictures or anything that has a cat in or as the subject matter, please? That would be Puuuurfect!

My family are amazingly excited! You know my darling Santi? That's right... the result of the pedigree Norwegian Forest next door when she escaped and got up the duff by some stray. It's funny, Santi looks like more of a pedigree than his Mom yet he's only half... Anywho, Whiskas are doing a competition to find the next Cover Model for their cat food, and everyone has to admit, Santi is a babe. Hell... that's why I maried him!

Kindest Regards!


25 June, 2009

My Bedside Visit

Okay, so since my operation, I've been amazingly depressed. My face is huge, the swelling has gone from the left side of my jaw to my neck. The bruising has really come out today, making the swollen area bright luminous yellow. I can only really eat soup and custard, and I only really like the latter. I can't look at myself in the mirror or I feel like one of those American guys that eat so many hamburgers they end up with a cushion of fat around their heads. Yeah, that's me now.

I had to wake Mother up at 4am this morning. I didn't want to, but I couldn't think of anything else to do. It's weird, I didn't expect her to help or know what to do, and I ended up walking (as best as I could) back to my room, but the thought of somebody knowing and seeing my pain is a lot better than just suffering in my room alone.

Let me explain; I have to take 2 paracetamols four times a day maximum (so 8 in 24 hours), and 1 ibuprofen three times a day (I think you can do the math on that one). They don't really do much to help the pain of my ever-expanding face and stitches, but I use to take co-codamol for my period pains (caused by Endometriosis). Mother and I decided I should take one of them before I went to bed. It was 3.30am (we'd just finished watching Wanted) and the strength was 500mg.

So let me explain the pain that reared its head at 4am...
My ribs felt like they had bruises on top of bruises on top of bruises. I couldn't breath. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. Then the pain moved to my insides. My organs felt as if they had all been coated in a layer of excruciating pain. They felt as if they were swollen and being squeezed at the same time, then being punched, kicked and just generally tortured.

I have never ever been as worried about having an over-dose in my whole entire life.

I can't be bothered to tell the story of how I couldn't walk, how my Dad moaned that he had work in the morning, how Mother had to phone the 24/7 medical line and then wait for a call back, then phone again, then wait for another phone call that never came, then ponder whether or not to phone the ambulance, then phone the 24/7 medical line again, then find out somebody is coming to the house.

It was 6.30am when she arrived and the pain had pretty much calmed down. She was nice, and thorough. She said that she thinks I had a bad reaction to the codeine due to not having much food in my stomach (because I can barely eat). She said that I should try to be active because the pain killers are sort of sedating me and my organs may fall asleep. She said we should try slim fast as people use them instead of meals and therefore will fill me up more.

Kindest Regards,
A Stupidly Swollen,
Stripes xy

PostScript: After seeing my face like this, I've decided that I'm never going to complain about having stupidly fat cheeks, or jowls, ever again.

23 June, 2009

My Misery in 'Brief'

Yesterday I woke up at 7.15 and had some Weetabix, I then went back to sleep because I was majorly tired after sleeping for around only 5 hours. I then awoke again at 8.45 and got dressed by 9, we left at 9.15 as the people down at the ward changed the time again.

We got there and it took us a while to find out where the Oakwood Ward actually was. We walked through and there were babies and toddlers screaming and chasing each other. I was miserable. I hate kids. Anyway, we got to reception and they told me that I had my own cubicle, F1, but when I got there, it was a shared one. I know this because there was a used bed opposite and an older lady reading a book in waiting for what was probably her child.

We were there for about an hour or more when the nurse (who at first I considered patronising, but then eventually warmed to) came in and asked me the kind of questions you expect to hear in hospitals; Where do you Live? Any Siblings? Any Allergies? A younger nurse next to her (who was going to check my blood pressure) saw that I was reading a book and said to the other lady, "Look, we've found a teenager who reads." They then went on to explain the friendly banter they go through as the older Nurse knows a 9 year old and he doesn't really read much.

We (in we, I mean Dad) then decided that he's rather go into the Adolescent Room (sort of like a Visitor Room) and he watched X-Men whilst Mother listened to Stephen Fry's Podcasts on her iPod and I read my new book (that I hadn't started until the hospital), Requiem For a Dream. We were in there for a few hours, just waiting.

I had to go down for 2 more X-Rays on my head after the surgeon came in and explained everything that would be happening. There were the same kind as the other ones I've had, so in total that's 4 Star Trek X-Rays (the things that go around your head) and 2 Television ones (when you have to face a screen with your head flat against it). The anaesthetist came in and explained to us everything that we might've wanted to know. Ages later, a different (less lovely) nurse came in and rubbed cream on my hand to make the veins go numb. The younger nurse that I'd seen earlier came in about an hour later and was shocked that we were still waiting. I was just scared that the numbness would've worn off by the time I had the disgustingly petrifying hand tube thing. By now Dad had moved on to Star Wars, and I was just happy to see Ewan McGregor! He's lovely... seriously.

A new nurse came in and told me they were ready for me in theatre, I thought about how much of a stupid name that was for somewhere where they cut you open. Did they name it to make stage hogs (like me) want to go there or because of some horrible practise that they might've done in the dark ages?

I changed into the horrible mental gown they gave me and was allowed to keep my socks on, she said I could wear my 'jammy bottoms, I was grateful. I threw a dressing gown on and my DCs and walked my way to my fate. Taking it like a man I was! Until they let me sit in the waiting room with my parents, then I burst out crying. To make things better, the surgeon walked in and said he's going in through the inside of my mouth, as opposed to through my cheek. All the staff made a fuss of me when the tears refused to stop flowing down my face. I then walked (slowly) to the room when they called me in.

Mother was in a state, she hates seeing me upset. She asked if I'd mind Dad going in with me and I knew that the last thing she'd want to see is her daughter being put to sleep. She would've fainted. She couldn't be there, and I knew it, no matter how much I wanted her there. I knew she felt guilty, she wanted to be by my side the whole entire way. Either way though, at least someone was there with me.

A really nice old man sat on my left, and a quiet lady sat on my right. They were both rubbing my hands so I didn't know what side the needle was going in. I stared at the light above my head and my eyes were huge with fear. Dad later said that I looked like somebody going to their execution on the guillotine. I was scared that I might see the needle. The nice old man was asking me about my pets and school. They laughed at Floss as they expected a dog with that name to be little, not half Saint Bernard, half Border Collie. I laughed at them laughing at Floss. I breathed in the oxygen after the needle slid in unpainfully but noticeably. The clock slide up the wall out of view and I was unconscious. I hated it, I felt like somebody was sucking my soul out from a small tube at the top of my head.

When I woke up, I instantly thought of Pulp. I don't know why. Then I thought I was Mother and I had a horrible sense of deja vu. I then burst out crying and the ladies noticed I was awake. I started looking around for a familiar face, but saw nothing but old people. I was so dizzy, it was horrible. The ladies asked me what was wrong, and I asked where I was. They told me as I slowly started to remember everything, but I never stopped crying. Mother and Dad appeared at my sides a moment later, and to prove how much of a mom she is, Mother pulled a tissue out of her pocket for me. Beat That Nurses!

They wheeled me back to my room and I fell asleep for a bit due to confusion and dizziness. When confused, go to sleep. Obviously, Mother stayed by me and wouldn't stop taking photos of me sleeping. A lady gave me water and a straw, the young nurse gave me chocolate milkshake (which I drank promptly through another straw). I was also given a strawberry yogurt because my mouth kept on bleeding and it would soothe it and my throat. I fell asleep every so often and told Mother that you could swallow up to a pint of your own blood without going sick. She didn't want to know, but nodded nevertheless.

Look at my hand tube! Yuck!

The nurse that I didn't like much came in to take my hand tap off and blood started pouring everywhere. It went all over my dressing gown and pretty much covered a majority of my hand. She said it was a good thing I was fine with blood, and it's sort of true... I'm not fine with my own blood!

The surgeons came in and explained what had happened. They told us it was Traumatic Bone Development, an empty cyst. They then went on to remove some of the bone, so that when it heals, the hole will be no more. I'm still shocked that they removed some of my bone. I mean, dude... What?! Anyway, I have stitches all up the part where your cheek meets you gum on the left lower jaw.

I kept spitting out blood, and then was given some painkillers. I have a packet of paracetamols, and a packet of ultra-strong ibuprofen. On top of that I have a mouthwash (with ethanol in) to take 4 times a day to make sure that the stitches are constantly clean. My cheek was swollen, but this morning it's massive. I can't really smile properly, when I do, it looks more like a snarl.
If you could be bothered to read any of this, then I want to add that I'm extremely grateful for all of the texts I (and Mother) received showing concern and wishing me well. Manny, that includes you! Even though we don't text, I'm extremely grateful for every nice thing you've ever said both on my blogs, on MySpace and on MSN. Everyone, you're awesome!

Kindest Regards,
A Swollen but Loved,
Stripes xy

22 June, 2009

Today's the Day

So today I'm having my face operation, well, I'm leaving in a moment in fact. I didn't know what to wear as a hospital patient, so I through on baggy jeans, my Mighty Boosh tee (that Ashley gave me) and my trusty lapis (Super Man blue) zip up. Then I threw a white neckerchief over it and my fingerless grey gloves.

So, with an iPod in one pocket and a lucky charm in her hand, Sophie Brown is roaring and ready to go!

I've had a few texts from friends saying Good Luck, as Sam continuously decides to point out, everything will go fine so I don't need the Good Luck, but he still said it! Seriously, some people are so nice.

I feel like an idiot about the Andrew situation, not sure if I should text him, tell him I'm sorry, that I was a retard, that I let my feeling fuel my hateful words. Would that make me seem weak? Because right now, I merely think of him and I whisper "I'm Sorry" to myself. Me, all alone. Again

Kindest Regards,
A Very Nervous,
Stripes xy

20 June, 2009

I'll Love You Forever

Today, I bought an item. Not just any old item, an item that i will have probably forever. I've never bought anything of it's type before, and I never thought I would at the age of just 15.5 years old. Today, for £30, I bought: A Proper Painting.

Now, I liked the photograph entitled Escalier De La Butte, but that cost £150. However, I saw a painting, higher than any other painting, and it was called New York Skyline, it was only £30 and I loved it with every inch of my freshly injured heart. (I can't be bothered to bore you all with the details of how this happened.)
Thinking about it, maybe I bought it because I know it will never hurt me in the way I've been hurt. When I look at this painting, I instantly feel hopeful. Hopeful that one day, I may travel abroad all the way to America... The place where I dreamt of becoming an author, finding love and living happily. I dream of other places now, but as a child, it was always America I dreamt of as being a brighter tomorrow.

Kindest Regards,
A Very Simple,
Stripes xy
PostScript: Oh, and to anybody that remembered, I'm having my weird jaw operation (http://turnipface.blogspot.com/2009/05/well-its-different.html) on Monday 22nd (yes, that's the day after Father's Day) and trust me, I'm petrified and not at all excited!

14 June, 2009

Who Said What?

It's gone! What's gone? The baby. I lost her. I know how that feels. Then give me sympathy! I deserve sympathy as well! I lost one too! Why did you lose yours? No idea. You? I smoked. Was it still born? No. Deformed. Did you lose it naturally? Not really. Abortion? Abortion. Abortion! Yes. I lost a child. If I had her deformed I would've been happy. Rather deformed than dead when it comes to babies. Do you disapprove of me? Of course. Why? Abortions are allowed aren't they? Not morally. I don't want to bring a baby into this world with deformities. Why? Scared it will grow a bigger personality than you? How would it do that? Bullying builds character. I see you were never bullied. Yes I was. Why? What could you possibly be bullied for? I was deformed.

Kindest Regards,
A Playful but Twisted,
Stripes xy

12 June, 2009

Homosexual Lust

Okay... so today I had my first ever GCSE (it was Biology). I'm a tad bummed as I learnt all about Mitosis, Meiosis and Cystic Fibrosis. Did any of these topic actually come up in the exam? Nope. I'm well peeved!

Anyway, onto better news. I watched Velvet Goldmine today and let me tell you now, it completely quenched my need for gay action! Well... for now anyway. Not only did the cast have an amazingly hot cast (like loads of gay films - see below for examples), but the film also was based around music (one of the few magic words in life) and featured nudity (which is seriously needed in films). It wasn't like a porno... It was perfect! Plus Placebo were in it! I love Brian Molko, seriously!

I need more films with gay scenes (or at least homosexual undertones). I only have Brokeback Mountain (featuring Jake Gyllenhaal) and History Boys (featuring Domonic Cooper), I'm going to buy Velvet Goldmine (featuring Ewan McGreggor) though... I need it! Any suggestions for other films featuring homo activity, please leave a comment!

Kindest Regards,
A Loved Up,
Stripes xy

07 June, 2009

Conversation Clean Out

Okay, so below are six conversations that popped in my head for no random reason. I wish to feature them in my writing at some point, but at the moment the characters have no name. Yet in my head, these conversations happen between the same two people: a boy and a girl. Feel free to comment suggestions on how could improve them, or just leave comment telling me which one is your favourite!

xx: Is it possible to be even more appreciative and happy right now?
xy: Well, I suppose if you'd been blind your whole entire life and then all of a sudden your eyes open and you see this, then maybe yes.
xx: Gee, why didn't i think of that?
xy: Because you're not an arsehole.

xy: Can I kiss you?
xx: No.
xy: Why not?
xx: Because that's not scripted in my movie.
xy: What if it's in mine?
xx: Then we have a problem.
xy: Rock Paper Scissors?
xx: Best out of three.

xy: Cows are vegetarian.
xx: Yeah...
xy: All vegetarians have four stomachs.
xx: Are you calling all vegetarians cows?
xy: Moo!
xx: I'm offended.
xy: I'm a cow.
xx: Are you a vegetarian?
xy: Are you calling all vegetarians cows?
xx: Are you a vegetarian?
xy: Yes Miss.

xx: Is that spunk on the bed?
xy: Yeah. It's yours though?
xx: What?!
xy: Yeah... Sperm from your penis.
xx: I don't have one...
xy: Yeah you do.
xx: Even if I did, how would you know anyway?
xy: Because I sucked it.
xx: Charming...
xy: That's Prince Charming to you.

xy: You know what, sometimes I wish I was smarter just so I could have a proper conversation with you!
xx: But I like you just the way you are...
xy: No you don't. You just like who you think I am.
xx: Please. Don't go...
xy: I have to.
xx: Stay!
xy: Okay.

xy: What are you thinking?
xx: That sex is like having a bath.
xy: It makes you feel clean?
xx: No... You don't want one, so you postpone it, but when you're having it, you love it.
xy: Why are you thinking about sex Young Lady?
xx: Because you're here.
xy: Bath time?
Kindest Regards,
An Abnormal,
Stripes xy

05 June, 2009

Advantages of Vegetarianism

This post is because of something that happened dinner time in school. I was sat with a few of my friends, and our conversation ended up being about Vegetarianism. Now, as I was the only Veggie there, I was the only person defending, and there were around four other people there. It was a friendly conversation and there was no harm intended, but I couldn't help feeling a tiny bit bullied. So here I have a few points from reliable sources (not including Wikipedia) about vegetarianism and its advantages.

  • The Vegetarian Society said that 117 year old Canadian Marie-Louise Febronie Meilleur was living proof of the benefits of being a vegetarian. Current research backs this up ; lifelong vegetarians visit hospital 22% less often than meat eaters and when confined to hospital, spend a shorter time there.

  • Vegetarians have more energy that lasts all day.

  • Somebody in Britain becomes vegetarian every two minutes. The average meat eater is responsible for the deaths of approximately 760 chickens, 46 Turkeys, 29 Sheep, 20 pigs, 15 ducks, 7 rabbits, 5 cows and more than 1000 fish.

  • They have healthier looking skin.

  • People may not understand your choice, but most will support, appreciate and respect you for it.

  • If you are an animal lover or/and concerned about the environment your behavior should be congruent with your beliefs. It feels good to walk your talk.

  • Studies have shown that vegetarians often have lower incidence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, obesity and some forms of cancer. A vegetarian diet tends to be lower in total fat, and vegetarians tend to eat proportionally more polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat compared with non-vegetarians. (Animal products are the major sources of dietary saturated fat).

  • Allergic symptoms to specific foods are more easily noticed.

  • You don't need to eat meat. A vegetarian diet, like a non-vegetarian diet, can be very healthy, or it can be extremely unhealthy. But eating meat is generally considered unhealthy, especially when you eat a lot of it. It has been shown that you can significantly reduce your risk of many diseases by avoiding meat. Vegetarians also live about 6-10 years longer than meat eaters on average, but this may be at least partially due to other lifestyle choices that vegetarians are likely to make (e.g., exercise). Bottom line, if you reduce or eliminate meat from your diet, you are likely to experience at least some health benefits, as long as you don't replace all the meat you used to eat with junk food.

  • At the beginning of 2000, there were 59.2 million people living in the United Kingdom, 7% (over 4 Million) are Vegetarians.

  • One vegetarian is estimated to save the lives of 100 animals per year.

All of these little facts and figures leave me feeling a lot better about myslef. I am free from the subconcious guilt of eating animals. I feel healthier and proud of my dietry choices. Also, vegetarians are very supporting of each other, it's a nice litte, animal friendly community.

A Vegetarian xy

03 June, 2009

You Have His Eyes...

(This isn't about pregnancy, birth, babies or anything like that...)

Remember that Rhys guy I mentioned a few times before? The gay guy that I really liked, and still do like even though I constantly lie to myself, trying to force myself to think that I don't? Well now there's a female equivalent, just on the television instead.

There's a girl on Britain's Next Top Model (who I seriously love) and she looks, to me, like a spitting image of Rhys. She is so pretty, she seriously is the pinnacle of beauty in my eyes. Her name's Jade McSorley, and she's my favourite!

She is quirky. She is amazingly lovely. She's a great model. She names Alexa Chung as her style icon which is totally ace! She has huge glasses. She's a vegetarian. Seriously... I love her to little bits and pieces!

Kindest Regards,
A Very Jealous,
Stripes xy

PostScript: Why can't I be that pretty?