It's Saturday! So that already means I get to see Aiden Turner (Being Human's Mitchell) and Ray Quinn tomorrow on Tv. Then, next Saturday I'm going to see one of the bestest bands on Earth (there could possibly be an even better one on Jupiter, so I thought it best not to insult them by saying 'bestest band in the universe'), so in the words of Rolf Harris: Can You Guess What it is Yet?

I'm going to see Fall Out Boy on March 7th with Ffion at Cardiff International Arena (a.k.a. CIA). I am ultra-excited! I feel like I use to when Christmas was coming! I'm not sure if Hey Monday or Kids in Glass Houses are playing... I love both either way. I'll update you next week about those details! .JPG)
I have loads of work to do though... Art is the worst, then I have Business and English to do as well... But then The Last Shadow Puppets came on NME (straight after Pete Doherty) so the music in my ears is ace... =P
I took a photo of myself (which I seriously hated since the lights made me look a tad orange), I then edited it (since I was bored) and Eureka... I really like it now! So yeah... That's it really...
Kindest Regards,
StripeS xx
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