Welcome to my World

I'm a lover of music and I'm a lover of words. I may come across as sarcastic, cynical and pathetic; it's okay if you think that, because that's how I roll. I've been alive since the 17th of November 1993; I've been a Vegetarian since the 19th of May 2008. Stephen Fry, in my young eyes, is God. (You can find an old monologue of his somewhere on the right-hand side of this page.)

Sit back, relax, take a leap right out of your world. It'll only take a minute of your time. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

12 February, 2009

What is Pretty...


  • adj. (prettier, prettiest) 1 attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful. 2 informal used ironically to express displeasure: he led me a pretty dance.
  • adv. informal to a moderately high degree; fairly.
  • n. (pl. pretties) informal a pretty thing; a trinket. >used condescendingly) an attractive person.
  • v. (pretties, prettying, prettied) make pretty or attractive.

- PHRASES pretty much (or nearly and well) informal very nearly. a pretty penny informal a large sum of money. be sitting pretty informal be in an advantageous position or situation.

- DERIVATIVES prettily adv. prettiness n. prettyish adj.

I was thinking, I want to be Pretty, I want to like myself as a girl, not a girl trying to be like a boy... I obviously was feeling down in the dumps. I was thinking of examples of what I want to be more like and I came up with a few examples of the things I'd need to feel like a new me:

polka dot dress Pictures, Images and Photoscorset Pictures, Images and Photosvintage dress Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes... if I want to be a new person, I'm going to have to change. I can only think of one way of doing that and that's to wear new things I would never have worn before... I already decided last year that I was going to get a PROPER corset on my 16th...

What do dress people wear in the cold though? I'll need to figure out some things first obviously before I dive head first into the quest...

Kindest Regards,

Stripes xx

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