Welcome to my World

I'm a lover of music and I'm a lover of words. I may come across as sarcastic, cynical and pathetic; it's okay if you think that, because that's how I roll. I've been alive since the 17th of November 1993; I've been a Vegetarian since the 19th of May 2008. Stephen Fry, in my young eyes, is God. (You can find an old monologue of his somewhere on the right-hand side of this page.)

Sit back, relax, take a leap right out of your world. It'll only take a minute of your time. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

28 February, 2009

Just One Week...

It's Saturday! So that already means I get to see Aiden Turner (Being Human's Mitchell) and Ray Quinn tomorrow on Tv. Then, next Saturday I'm going to see one of the bestest bands on Earth (there could possibly be an even better one on Jupiter, so I thought it best not to insult them by saying 'bestest band in the universe'), so in the words of Rolf Harris: Can You Guess What it is Yet?
I'm going to see Fall Out Boy on March 7th with Ffion at Cardiff International Arena (a.k.a. CIA). I am ultra-excited! I feel like I use to when Christmas was coming! I'm not sure if Hey Monday or Kids in Glass Houses are playing... I love both either way. I'll update you next week about those details!
I have loads of work to do though... Art is the worst, then I have Business and English to do as well... But then The Last Shadow Puppets came on NME (straight after Pete Doherty) so the music in my ears is ace... =P
I took a photo of myself (which I seriously hated since the lights made me look a tad orange), I then edited it (since I was bored) and Eureka... I really like it now! So yeah... That's it really...
Kindest Regards,
StripeS xx

26 February, 2009

You Had To Be There (But I'm Glad You Weren't).

I actually think that that is a damn good name for a song! (Gah... I just spelt that as snog and then the whole sentence was warped.)
Yesterday, I wore my green vest top under my school shirt (as I usually wear a vest top under it in the colder months). I have a full length mirror in my bedroom and I was changing out of my school uniform when I saw it... MY PANTIES MATCHED MY VEST TOP! xD Seriously..? Not Cool!
Okay, so my PC kind of blew up last night... so yeah... I'm on the laptop now. Hopefully the PC nerds will be able to save my precious iTunes... *sniff sniff*
Oh, and just a quick note to Osian before I leave you (and no, this isn't like the final goodbye before I commit suicide because that's not ow we do)... I wrote you a letter...

Dear Osian,
I have grown to respect your decision of not allowing me to use your sperm in my baby experiment to create the perfect, most talented, smartest child ever. However, that does not mean that I shant go ahead with my plans behind your back (literally).
If you awake with a pain and 'someone is missing' down below, then you must not interupt me with your silly questions as I am obviously in the process of either creating the child OR collecting sperm off my other vicims. i.e. Ray Quinn, Bam Margera, Dita von Teese (the baby needs a mom), Stephen Fry and some random hot comedian.
Kindest Regards,
StripeS xx

25 February, 2009


My PC just blew up.

I think I'm going mad.

My thoughts are bouncing off the walls,

Why does it all turn out so bad?

There was an average day,

With a girl who had nothing to say.

About to say "Sup,"

The computer blew up,

Everything's always so gay.

24 February, 2009

People, Life and Me...

People let you down in this world... They hurt you, upset you, betray you and use you. There are up moments when they amuse you on purpose (as opposed to falling over accidentally in front of you), they comfort you, they sometimes love you and they usually have something useful to say.

There are the good, the bad and the hydrogens... The good are the kind who never put anyone down except themselves, the bad are the kind who critisize you for tiny things and arent even jealous of you, and then there are the hydrogens... they just float around and dont make an impact at all on your life unless there is a group of them. They are completely neutral.

Me? I'm the worst kind. I critisize people as it's my humour and my thoughts, I try to make people feel good but then turn cold in an instant as I'm sick of sympathy, then I might talk behind their back... not in a bitchy way, but I really don't have that much to talk about!

Anyway... It doesn't help when you're reading books written by Chuck Palahniuk, and you have friends who are so over-dramatic you want to shoot them in the tongue, watch them scream and cry and then watch their eyes slowly roll backwards as the drop to the ground. Twisted I know, what's worse is that I picture it as I write it and I find it so compelling I have to think of it more, make a scene out of it (so to speak)...

On the plus side, it's given birth to a new want; to study Criminal Psychology... Putting yourself into the mindset of a madman sounds quite appealing to be honest... Find out what motivates people to burgal houses, what twists someones emotions to that point when they think "I'm going to slowly gouge your eyes out with some tweezers just so I can pop them at the same time." To me, it would feel like a vacation to be in a different mindset for just 5 minutes...

Maybe there are hundreds of fifteen-year-old girls my age dreaming up amazing, American, blonde guys to use in a book, to then give him a gay scene with the main character of the book (his best friend) and to tell him of his father raping him at the age of seven... Somehow, I don't think so... haha

Am I happy as I am? No. I'm fully concious that I'm not a nice person, I have a dim dark outlook on life which just gets me down and not even for good reasons, I'm really boring and obsess over little things way too much, I'm the kind of person that ruins moments... No wonder Henri French would never touch me even if I was the cure to cancer...

Oh well, some people are just harder to please than others!
Kindest Regards,
StripeS xx

16 February, 2009

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right...

As I lay in bed that night
I found a shadow on the wall
And in my head curiosity grew
For on that spot no shadow should fall

Walking slowly towards the shadow
I felt a quick beating in my heart
So when I found the shadow, a man
I couldn't quite work out his art

His eyes were sunken, his face tight
I looked at him and asked why he was there
He didn't move for minutes on end
Finally he said only I would care

He was a ghost with a story to share
He was a ghost from present times
He could only walk around as a shadow
Until he finally confessed his crimes

So I sat on the bed and he on the wall
He started to pace and started to tell
The murders he'd dealt on every occasion
He said from the start he was going to hell

He told me details and he told me dates
He told me that'd he'd only target dames
He finished the tale he's needed to voice
Then all of a sudden he burst into flames

A bellowing shout could be heard but not seen
The ghost disappeared but the fire raged on
The fire just quickened and started to spread
A stranger walked in and my fears were gone

Was this my angel come to save me from death?
He shook his head and said, "You chose the wrong side
You helped a madman escape his punishment"
He invited me home and my eyes opened wide

This man was the devil and not my friend
I declined his offer and told him why
He clapped his hands and the fire grew vivid
He bowed before saying "Goodbye"

Now I'm a shadow on a wall,
Coming to a town near you
Yet I shant ask anyone for their help
Until my punishment is through

14 February, 2009

Let's Ignore The Fact It's Saint Val's...

I'm well chuffed, I finally bought Hey Monday's album! I've wanted it for a month now, and when I found out that they were supporting Fall Out Boy on March 7th I finally decided to actually spend some money...
I really want some of those glasses! I love them! I wonder how much they'd be or where I could buy them...
Cassadee is so pretty as well, typical American pretty, you know? Pete Wentz says she's like his little sister on his blog. I'm kind of sad, but so are thousands of other people, I read his blog all the time, waiting for a new entry.
Kindest Regards,
Stripes xx

12 February, 2009

What is Pretty...


  • adj. (prettier, prettiest) 1 attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful. 2 informal used ironically to express displeasure: he led me a pretty dance.
  • adv. informal to a moderately high degree; fairly.
  • n. (pl. pretties) informal a pretty thing; a trinket. >used condescendingly) an attractive person.
  • v. (pretties, prettying, prettied) make pretty or attractive.

- PHRASES pretty much (or nearly and well) informal very nearly. a pretty penny informal a large sum of money. be sitting pretty informal be in an advantageous position or situation.

- DERIVATIVES prettily adv. prettiness n. prettyish adj.

I was thinking, I want to be Pretty, I want to like myself as a girl, not a girl trying to be like a boy... I obviously was feeling down in the dumps. I was thinking of examples of what I want to be more like and I came up with a few examples of the things I'd need to feel like a new me:

polka dot dress Pictures, Images and Photoscorset Pictures, Images and Photosvintage dress Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes... if I want to be a new person, I'm going to have to change. I can only think of one way of doing that and that's to wear new things I would never have worn before... I already decided last year that I was going to get a PROPER corset on my 16th...

What do dress people wear in the cold though? I'll need to figure out some things first obviously before I dive head first into the quest...

Kindest Regards,

Stripes xx

07 February, 2009

Last Night...

Just a quick note before I actually start this ULTRA SHORT post... Last Night is an amazing song (understatement) by Eighteen Visions. You should totally check it out!

Anyway... I was talking to PeaGreen last night and then I went upstairs, after my mother spent twenty-whole-minutes talking to me about Dad's birthday, she got a phone call from my GrandPapi... He claims it is snowing... again.
Being the 5(teen) year old that I am, I dart to the window and it's true. It's proper snow as well, but that isn't the point...

My parents went on their dog walk (with Floss, a dog) a few hours later and I took Mary (another dog) out to Le Toilet. It's still snowing so I walked outside and round the conservatory to see the Watering Can... completely covered in snow.

It was class, so I took a photo to show the world.
Peace Out, Fangs Up...
Kindest Regards,
Stripes xx

06 February, 2009

What We Think We Are

We always think that we're trying to improve ourselves when actually, we aren't... We really aren't...

I got down all the way to Australia and tried to figure out why. Why was I feeling so down in the trash when I should be feeling Big, Bright and Beautiful (on the inside)?
So I thought:
  • Who are my idols? My hero figures? My perfect people?
  • Pete Wentz, Gabe Saporta, Stephen Fry...
  • They are all guys and therefore I can't take many fashion tips off them (the first two mainly!) without thinking "This will look better on a guy..."
  • In my eyes I will never be perfect because it is simply not possible for a woman to live up to the standards of a man, escpecially as I'm comparing them to each other.

Then I see what my friends wear and I get sooo jealous that they look nice in things that I would never dream of wearing since I know they'd look stupid on me... Even if stupid is my scene!

So anyway... I might end up doing a whole hero-worship blog post on Pete Wentz... He seems to fuel me, for the past three years actually... To all the haters, I'm not interested. Not even in the slightest, seriously. I mean it.

I have put in the photo of my parents on the dog walk... They are both wearing white coats and I've just realised what my mother meant when she said "I hope the people in the cars will see us!" Damn I can be slow!
Anyway, this is where I finish this post... Peace out, Fangs up...

Kindest Regards,
Stripes xx

PS: Today truelly and honestly sucked. My two close peas weren't in so I kind of loned in my head. I say in my head as I was with some people, but that didn't mean much to me to be completely and utterly correct... I would say honest but then I would've used it twice in a paragraph. Thanks Charli... Thanks Carys... Love You Both As Well... ¬.¬


05 February, 2009

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful, But the Fire is So Delightful, & Since We've No Place To Go...

Oh yes... it's snowing... it is officially our (Britain's) annual snowshine! I just wish the news would stop ruining the mood.
I don't see why I had to drag my lazy bum outta bed this morning though... Had registration. Had first lesson. Had break. Got ready to go home.
I had a Math test first lesson, and it didn't really feel like a test because this guy (called Guy) sits opposite me, and shouting in whisper, I hear:
Sophie! Look outside! It's snowing... and it's sticking!
I looked up to see this fifteen year old turn into a five year old,
bouncing in his chair in excitement whilst our teacher goes: Guy!
It was entertaining never-the-less, made my hair look like I had dandruff since it's dark... I kept thinking about that scene from Edward Scissorhands...
Anyway, I am so excited for Sunday! I have two Tv programmes on! Dancing on Ice & Being Human!

Geez, it's sad that I get so excited over what's on Tv, but I'm writing a book now, so hopefully I won't come across as shallow in future posts!
Kindest Regards,
Stripes xx

PS: I took this photo as I was walking out to the Bus Bays in my school ... Trees are sooo pretty when they're covered in snow, like people wearing make-up. If it continues to snow then I guess I'll update more pictures, I have a photo of my parents on the dog walk, but I didn't feel it appropriate in this post. I'm eager to feature it on here though!