Welcome to my World

I'm a lover of music and I'm a lover of words. I may come across as sarcastic, cynical and pathetic; it's okay if you think that, because that's how I roll. I've been alive since the 17th of November 1993; I've been a Vegetarian since the 19th of May 2008. Stephen Fry, in my young eyes, is God. (You can find an old monologue of his somewhere on the right-hand side of this page.)

Sit back, relax, take a leap right out of your world. It'll only take a minute of your time. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

31 May, 2009


In all seriousness, Diversity have to be the best dance group that I've seen for ages. I love street dancing. So to have a street dancing group that are really comedic, well, it's just pure genius! Diversity got our votes last night (in the Britain's Got Talent final) and we actually screamed when they beat Susan Boyle (that fat, mental bitch).

Kindest Regards,
An Ultra Chuffed,
Stripes xy

30 May, 2009

All Hope is Gone

I never really felt the need to wake up early. Especially not to wake up early enough to see the morning. Yet today, I had hope; hope that I'd get some for of contact from you. Be it a phone call, a text, anything really. I jumped out of bed at just gone 9am and I quickly had a bath. thoughts of disappointment came to mind, sneaking their way in from the corners of my brain, and for the first time ever, I tried my hardest to push them out. I didn't want to doubt you. I just wanted to have a great with you. It even looked like the weather was trying to mirror my hope. The sun came out to see us. She had no such luck though. 4hours later and for some unknown reason, I'm still praying for contact. I know you lost your phone, but your sister could've helped you out. If you lost that piece of paper with my number on, if she didn't have my number, someone from Drama would have. Now I'm thinking that the sun didn't come out to see us, instead she came out to mock my mounting disappointment. I don't know why I wanted to see you so badly, maybe it's because I like you. This rejection is making me feel sick, I just want to go to sleep. I just want to give up. This is the last time I'll trust someone to make arrangements for me, to actually stick to a brief idea, to make me feel hopeful. Hope is just a loser refusing to accept that the probability of disappointment at some point in the day is amazingly high. Don't tell me you overslept. I woke up especially for you. Maybe you'll regret it one day, but I doubt it. You just never cared in the way I did, and still do.

Kindest Regards,
A Heartbroken,
Stripes xy

29 May, 2009

That's Seriously Not Cool

If Greg got through, I'd be over the moon. If Greg lost against someone really good, and then didn't get through, I'd be okay about it. If Greg lost against some tiny child who couldn't even sing her song the first time round, then I'd be seriously... ARGH! Oh, and guess what; I'm not happy.

It's not that my favourite didn't get through to the final, it's that Hollie broke down crying when she COMPLETELY messed up her set (that she's been preparing for ages), and then cried on national live television, got to do it again even though Simon always says, again and again, you can't mess up and start again on a live show, and then beat Greg due to her 'bravery.' That's why I'm not happy. I mean, Fair play, Greg wasn't that great tonight. Seriously, the song choice was retarded (I mean, who sings a duet with themself on live television when everything depends on it?) and the whole set was just awful (a revolving cloak?!).

My mother won't even try to understand why I'm so, well, frustrated (not the word I had in mind, but the only word I'm going to write considering my parents might see this). In a word where there are no second chances, a tiny girl (who can sing really well) bursts out crying on live television and then ruins somebody elses chances. I mean, I bet Greg wanted to do it again.

I'm basically feeling betrayed by the stupid ways in which television shows positively discriminate tiny children who happen to be adorable and talented. I seriously can't see them giving a second chance to anyone else. It was just so predictable.

Maybe they shouldn't have ten-year-olds on the show as they aren't all that reliable to give a good performance. All the other kids were fine, so why did Hollie have to be any different?

Kindest Regards,
The Moody Bitch,
Stripes xy

28 May, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Okay, so yesterday was pretty hectic. I went to Swansea with Cerian (I'm hopefully going there again on Saturday with Andrew) and we pretty much ran out of things to do. So we went to the cinema, but don't worry, I'm not going to bother telling you about that, because it's a pretty boring story. Even though most of my stories are boring anyway...
How much do you think this teddy bear costs?

My feathers are being a tad ruffled the wrong way though; I found 15 missing albums on my iPod... A WHOLE 15!

  • 4 Green Day albums
  • 2 Avenged Sevenfold albums
  • 1 Good Charlotte album
  • 2 Avril Lavigne albums
  • 1 My Chemical Romance album
  • 3 Blink-182 albums
  • 1 AFI album
  • 1 Panic! At The Disco album

As you can guess, I was not happy. I'm glad it wasn't bands like Cobra Starship, Hey Monday and The Academy Is... though. So all is going to be cool! I just finished putting the last one back onto iTunes.

I have an event tonight... I guess that's my way of saying I have to go upstairs and bath, as opposed to sit on my arse in my dressing gown any longer! I have to wait until Friday to see my Greg Pritchard on Britain's Got Talent... Not Fair! YouTube him if you get the chance!

Oh, and the answer: £60

Kindest Regards,
An Amused,
Stripes xy

23 May, 2009

Long Time No Speak!

Heya, I haven't been on here for ages, and guess what: It's Not My Fault!

I've been looking after my mother... My computer had one of those Trojan viruses that saves itself in 12 different places and it was called WinPC Advisor (or something)... Dad's been on World of Warcraft non-stop so I haven't been able to even come onto the computer!

Anyway... I've had an operation. I had it yesterday and sue to where it was, I can't wash my hair for SIX DAYS. I wash my hair everyday. I'm not a hygiene freak (far from it). I'm not all girly and I don't wash my hair with a billion different products (just one that's not tested on animals). My hair is horribly greasy, I hate it, it's making me miserable. I'm washing it on Thursday fer sure though! I need to go to this Drama thing, and I'm going to be presentable for that at least!

Changing the subject: Britain's Got Talent is on tonight! They're going to be sorting out which 40 will be in the semi-finals. We see some more auditions tonight, so my next blog will probably be my favourite acts. I'm doing this for people who don't watch the show (but mainly if Manny gets bored!).

So yeah... I can't really think about anything else to comment on. I need to make a new YouTube video soon... I think I have an idea in mind already!

Kindest Regards,
A Very Greasy,
Stripes xy

17 May, 2009

Miss You Mother

1998 - England
Tess had a chocolate mousse and a chocolate biscuit for desert, I only had a chocolate mousse, and I love chocolate biscuits. Tess boasted non-stop (obviously) and me being only 5 and a half, gave in to jealousy. Once Mother had finished drying my hair, she started on Tess' hair, this was my chance! I snuck downstairs, stood on my sock and fell. I grabbed the banister because I thought it would stop me, then I landed against the bookshelf. I broke my shoulder, arm and elbow. My 'father' turned Match of the Day up before deciding to investigate why Mother was screaming "She's Dead!" He jiggled my arm about before phoning the ambulance, I fell asleep on the way to the hospital.
2009 - Wales
I'm starving and Mother and I had our TV viewing planned for the night. Our PC has a Trojan virus thing, so she's been on there for ages trying to fix it (semi-successfully). I'm loading the dishwasher and Mother is pouring my pasta into the bowl, except she's shaking like a tree in the wind. She's crying and I laugh since I thought it was her weird steam problem, but then she tells me she can't breath and I stop knowing what to do.
I lead her into the living room and sat her down, I'm holding back tears and slowly became an emotionless rock, a state I've always wanted to master. I call GrandPapi, tell him to come down. I give Mother my asthma pump, then I phone Dad who tells me to call an ambulance. So I do, then give the phone to GrandPapi since I started crying. I didn't realise they answered the phone straight away! I took Mother to go to the toilet and then the ambulance arrived.
I went up to the hospital with her, but I couldn't help thinking about how I'd swapped seats in the ambulance in the space of ten years! It was well depressing, seriously. Not Cool. She'll be okay, even if her heart rate does shoot from 80 to 160... I don't know what's happening now, I kind of do, but don't. It's a long story that I can't really be bothered to go into...

Kindest Regards,
A Very Worried,
Stripes xy

15 May, 2009

My Pepper Pot Family

Okay guys, you know my lovely story about how I came to create a beautiful baby pepper called Bernard, and his sister Sylvia? Well there's a new addition to the family, Frederick. In his wake, I decided (with help from Sam) to open up a new blog, documenting the lives of the inhabitants of my pepper pot. they are the Pepper Pot Family :) There's a link just below the blog archive, there's also a like here:

Kindest Regards,
An Uber Chuffed,
Stripes xy

14 May, 2009

Well, It's Different...

Two things I would like to talk to you guys about. One is my jaw, and the other is my hair. Don't worry, it won't be like an essay on the similarities and differences between Keats' 'Ode to a Nightingale' and Hardy's 'The Darkling Thrush' as I don't have much to say on either topic...

Sophie Brown's Jaw is a strange thing. Whilst it functions properly, allowing her to eat, talk and ull stupid faces, it has a huge problem; there's a hole in it. Now, the hole is underneath two of my back teeth on the left. The hole in actually in the jaw, like, there's the outer jaw wall, a hole, then the inner jaw wall. It's weird. If you look at the picture to the left, the hole takes up the whole entire space below Number 18 and Number 19. She doesn't have Number 17 or 32 yet as she's not wise... Anywho, she has to have an operation on June 1st and the doctors are going to "make a window" to see what it is. They don't want to go ahead and take Sophie's back teeth out if they don't need to... She's scared. She's scared of being put to sleep. She's scared of having a tube in her hand. She's scared of what the outcome may be. Hell, she doesn't want to end up looking like a nine toothed dinosaur! Since she doesn't believe in God, Sophie will have to pray to Stephen Fry instead!

Anyway, enough of third person! On the subject of my hair, it's pretty straight forward. I've had more or less the same hair style since I can remember, and I've always wanted to have a radical change. Lately, I've been feeling depressed, lonely and trapped in my own standards. I got a hair cut, and seriously, I've had half of my hair cut off! No joke, it's GONE. I needed to change ME. I just wasn't a happy bunny at all. So now my hair is different, I've got a load of dresses that make me feel like a girl, and hopefully Love will bump into me one day. I'm fed up of waiting for someone to notice me or for Andrew to care... I'll just be patient :)

Kindest Regards,
A Far Happier,
Stripes xy

10 May, 2009

Sorry Mr Assumptions

How the hell did I find myself sat in the Odeon in Swansea, with chocolate in my lap, waiting eagerly to watch a film which made me cringe by just hearing the over-all name of it? I guess the nerd inside of me reared it's amazingly hot head and said I better give her one moment of pleasure since I don't play World of Warcraft so much and making jokes out of Science and Math has simply become the norm, with not much of a value behind it! Not only have I disobeyed my logical mind, but I also should now class myself as a freak based on early assumptions that I had made on this film's fans. Even more so since I am now deeply excited down to the core when Spock enters the room and the Russian guy starts shouting something... Yes my friends, today, I watched...

Yes, I'm like a typical, predictable woman and therefore have a HUGE crush on Mr Spunk Monkey, AKA James T Kirk, AKA Chris Pine. Yes, I do think Spock is a socially awkward emo nerd and I love him dearly for it.

Believe it or not, but I'm only human! I seriously thought that Star Trek was for amazingly pathetic, sad people, who actually go around calling themselves 'Trekkies' and basically making themselves out to be idiots. I never even considered the possibility that some of the Star Trek fans were normal(ish). Those 'trekkie' people are making everyone else look bad! Seriously... Get a life! You're making every Star Trek fan look bad, and every person of sound mind to look great, including the ones that pee on trees.

Kindest Regards,
I'm Still Hip,
Stripes xy

PostScript: Bernard has sprouted a sister... there is no point of posting a picture as she's camera shy and also, she's so tiny, that the quality of the photos on here probably wouldn't pick her up. I have named her Sylvia, and she is beautiful.

03 May, 2009

Bernard's my Baby

This is amazingly cute... Ages ago, or maybe even a fortnight ago, I ate a green pepper since green is my favourite colour pepper and then I came to all the little tiny seeds in the middle that just look plain weird. So I ran outside and asked Mother and Dad what would happen if you planted them.

Mother: They'll Grow.
The lies mothers tell their children to keep them happy...
So I planted them all in a subtle sized pot that mother provided me, and then a millipede came out of the pot to our horror! But that was only a five second event at the most, Dad put it outside where millipedes belong! haha Two weeks-ish down the line and then Bernard stuck his head through the soil. This is his first week (also what he looks like right this second):

Is he not a babe? If you can't see him, he's right in the middle! Tiny... I know. But his name is Bernard and he is my very own Pepper Baby :) And when he's dead and gone (as I couldn't even look after my cacti properly), I shall always remember him as Bernard: my First Pepper Baby.

Kindest Regards,
Green Fingers,
Stripes xy

PostScript: Isn't it funny how the word Pacifist has the word fist in?

02 May, 2009

XY vs. XX

Let's talk in splendid terms, in which we aim to make mankind sound a lot more dandy that it actually is... A lady has XX chromosomes, whilst a gentleman has XY chromosomes... This means that technically, only a gentleman can decide the sex of a child since ladies can only produce the XX chromosome. Yet why is XX so different to XY?

XX: this means you have a vajayjay and you spill your emotions out all over the place for any reason at all.

XY: this means you have a shlong, you're cooler than those possessing the XX chromosome and you make up pointless lies.

Below is a demonstration of this said pointless lie. The scenario being used as an example, is both XX and XY being asked about Brokeback Mountain. See how the answers vary from the other.

XX: The ending is just so depressing! I can't believe it... I was so sad, I just wanted them to end up together, happy at least...

XY: Yeah, I watched that film. It was shit. I didn't get it.

You can't say that film was shit, because it quite simply wasn't. The acting was amazing, it was believable (even if Heath's accent did wander from time to time) and the story was heartbreaking... However, there is one guy who proves my second point to the extreme...

Alex Kapranos

( the singer and eldest member of Franz Ferdinand )

I thought he came across a lot older than he actually is. I thought he was in his extremely late twenties. I thought he was an Art or Music Grad. I still think he's amazing. He is basically the epitome of cool in my eyes. I love his style, his voice, his ability to make the most innocent of lyrics sound dark and sinister. Yet what do I find out? He's born on 20th March 1972 (making him Age 37). He studies theology, then dropped it to study Catering and Hotel Management. Dude, could I be any more wrong in my assumptions?!

So below, I have stuck two videos... The first one is of one of their latest music videos, Ulysses, and I seriously love it. The second video is of their probably most well known song, Take Me Out. Just note on how awesome Alex is... He has an awesome voice and awesome presence...

  • Ulysses (2009)

  • Take Me Out (2004)